Proven Results and Value
IEP Direct more than pays for itself
IEP Direct has a proven history of success in web-based Special Education applications and a track record of delivering measurable results in the management of Special Education programs. IEP Direct has clearly demonstrated the ability to improve compliance, increase efficiency and return time to teaching.
School districts using IEP Direct have realized significant cost reductions and increased revenue recovery in the administration of Special Education programs. In a survey, districts reported real-time savings of 20% to 51% or more. These time savings translate into meaningful returns on investment (ROI) -- and hours returned to teaching in your district.
Based On:
500 Special Education students - Source: Case Study Number
35% Time Savings - Source: IEP Direct Customer Survey
Average 17.5 hours per student/per year spent in IEP development, meeting and Special Ed admin
before using IEPDirect - Source: IEP Direct Customer Survey
Average staff costs $25 per hour - Source: Case Study Number
“Your product excels in ease of use so that teachers and related services staff needed only minimal training and support. We are very pleased with our choice of IEP Direct.”
“IEP Direct has been revolutionary. Its alignment to state regulations, operational ease and access and user-friendly document presentation are just a few of the outstanding attributes of this innovative program. The company has provided a personal touch that accentuates the many rewards of IEP Direct. I am indebted to them for their ingenuity and support.”